THE SEVENTH TAKING, my latest mystery novel, is available on Amazon‬ in Kindle‬ format. While it can definitely appeal to adults, it is also appropriate for young readers–unlike JAMES 516, which is aimed at adult audiences–and it features a cast of teenage characters.

I got the idea for the story while visiting my favorite place on earth: the Great Smoky Mountains‬ National Forest. The Smokies are majestic and breathtaking to behold, but unbridled and wild. I’ve been there eight times over the years and each time I explore the area, I’m inspired by all the places I see and the things I do there. In my opinion, there’s absolutely no better setting for a creepy mystery, and the Smokies inspired the creation of the Blue Summit Mountains, which is the fictitious setting for THE SEVENTH TAKING.

When I visited in June/July of 2012, I read about a man who had gone missing three months earlier. That reminded me of other missing person cases I had previously read about. As I explored the mountains on that 2012 trip, I couldn’t help but wonder what had become of those poor people. My imagination ran wild and, upon returning home from vacation, I began writing what later became THE SEVENTH TAKING, which is a mystery that follows Abraham Wilson on his quest to find his missing ex-girlfriend, who disappeared while vacationing with her family.

As I wrote THE SEVENTH TAKING, my heart went out to the many families who have lost loved ones without a trace in the mountains. I can’t imagine the horror they endure each day their loved ones are not found, and I want them to know I empathize with them and pray for the safe return of those close to them who have disappeared.

May closure come!

BJ Bourg is the author of JAMES 516 (Amber Quill Press, 2014), THE SEVENTH TAKING (Amber Quill Press, 2015), and HOLLOW CRIB (Five Star-Gale-Cengage, 2016).
© 2015 BJ Bourg

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