Bad, Good, and Better News

First, the bad news:

As they say, all good things must eventually come to an end, and thus it is with Amber Quill Press, the publishing company that published three of my mystery novels (JAMES 516, THE SEVENTH TAKING, and BUT NOT FORGOTTEN). In early January, the company announced they would be closing their doors on March 30, 2016 and pulling all books from their website, as well as from third-party vendors, such as Amazon. Unfortunately, all electronic versions of my three AQP titles (JAMES 516, THE SEVENTH TAKING, and BUT NOT FORGOTTEN) have already been removed from Amazon, so anyone seeking to purchase a copy for their Kindle via Amazon will be out of luck…but only for the moment (more on that in a minute).

Now for the good news:

Those who want an electronic copy (including Kindle version) of either of my titles can still order a copy via the publisher’s website by clicking on the image of the book they’d like to purchase:

 James516  SeventhTaking Cover  ButNotForgotten_large

Additionally, the print versions are still available on Amazon (click here to order), but I’m not sure for how long.

Finally, the better news:

When something comes to a close, I never view it as an “end” to the old, but, rather, as a “beginning” of something new. While it’s unfortunate AQP had to close, I wasted no time fretting over it. Instead, I immediately set about creating new covers and formatting new print and digital versions of all three of my titles. Come March 31, 2016, I’ll be prepared to roll out new and improved versions of JAMES 516, THE SEVENTH TAKING, and BUT NOT FORGOTTEN on Amazon. With the removal of the “middleman”, I can offer them at a lower price and, in addition to re-releasing them in electronic format and trade paperback, I’ll also be releasing all three books in large print for the visually impaired.

In closing, I’m thankful to the good folks over at Amber Quill Press for accepting and publishing my work, and I’m pleased that JAMES 516 was ranked #1 (paid sales) out of forty titles in their Mystery/Detective category. BUT NOT FORGOTTEN, after being available for less than two months, was ranked #5 in the same category. Furthermore, JAMES 516 was ranked #3 (paid sales) out of 282 titles in their entire lineup, and it is a 2016 EPIC eBook Awards Finalist for the category of Mystery. (The winners will be announced in March.)

Well, that’s all for now. Please check back often, as I’ll reveal the new covers for these three titles soon. As always, many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read my work. Whether you enjoyed my stories or not, always feel free to contact me with your feedback. I love hearing from readers and I sincerely appreciate that they spent their hard-earned money and precious time on my books.


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